Radius Doors and Where to Find Them
By Katie Van Blargan, Customer Service Team Lead & Marketing StrategistRadius doors are beautifully crafted pieces that provide a softer look compared to the more well-known square, crisp corners. A radius product is a specialty product here at Meridian, so what exactly makes a product special? What distinguishes a standard product from a non-standard product?
Meridian Products produces typical doors and drawers, such as mortise and tenon, notched, and mitered designs. However, what makes Meridian truly exceptional is what lies outside of those boundaries—our mullion doors, louver doors, and the door that sets us apart from our competitors: radius doors.
The process begins with countless hours spent in drafting and entry, preparing for the product’s construction. After that, hands-on hours ensure your piece is not only accurate but also properly constructed.
To understand this on a deeper level, check out our vlog and meet our one-of-a-kind craftsman, Jimmy, as Katie takes you to the shop to see exactly what occurs in this unique and thoroughly executed process.